Please contact the FIDO HYDRO clinic if you have any questions or concerns on 0448 744 558
What is Hydrotherapy
The term Hydrotherapy is derived from the Greek words meaning ‘water’ and ‘healing’. It is a range of controlled aquatic exercises and movements in heated, sanitized water.
It’s many qualities come from the effects of the heat, pressure and buoyancy provided naturally by the water. This offers soothing, very low impact and controlled exercises, which is ideal for healing.
The underwater treadmill is unique because of its safe controlled environment, with precise control of speed, exercise intensity, water depth and temperature. This means exercise can be tailored to suit each individual patient.
The walk through design, allows for ease of patient entry and exit from the treadmill. Once the water is evacuated from the treadmill, the patient can walk straight out eliminating the stress of making injured or recovering animals turn around or back out.
Any treatment undertaken in water can be called hydrotherapy but working with a qualified therapist in controlled situations is the best way to achieve maximum benefits.
What are The Applications
- Pre-operative muscle toning
- Post-operative rehabilitation
- Neurological conditions
- Soft tissue injuries
- Obesity
- Old age and arthritis
- General fitness
What are The Benefits
- Non weight bearing, very low impact exercise
- Offers relief from pain, swelling and stiffness
- Promotes relaxation
- Mobilises Joints
- Improves cardio-vascular fitness
- Strengthens, tones, maintains and restores muscles
- Increases range of motion for affected joints
- Improves circulation
- Improves balance, stability, gait and posture
- General fitness and weight loss
- Decreased recovery time from injury or surgery
- Improvements in general and psychological well-being
This is not an exhaustive list, so if you are still wondering what we may be able to assist you with please contact the clinic to discuss how we may assist you and your companion.