Frequently asked questions
Fido Hydro requires a complete referral form from your dog’s treating Veterinary and/or treating Specialist, prior to the commencement of a Hydrotherapy treatment program. This enables FIDO HYDRO to be informed of any limitations, restrictions and/or any special requirements and confirms that your dog is fit enough to be treated and does not have any conditions that may adversely affect the dog in the water. Please ask referring clinic to also send patient history & scans/x-rays as well.
Many clients come to FIDO HYDRO because their Vet has recommended hydrotherapy for improvement of their dog’s condition, as lots of conditions benefit from hydrotherapy.
Ballarat & surrounding Veterinary Clinics have FIDO HYDRO referral form on their systems, or can complete the referral form here. Please contact your vet or their treating Specialist to ask if your dog would benefit.
Alternatively, please email to request our referral form to be forwarded to you.
Yes. Most dogs prefer their Owners to stay with them during their treatment and it assist their dogs to build their confidence and reduces any anxiety. Please be advised we may have operational changes due to ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic regulations. Therefore, we may from time to time be allowed to have only one owner per appointment. Owners will then have the option to stay at our reception gate or can enter, ensuring they maintain the regulated 1.5 m from staff. Owners to handle their dogs collar/lead and use hand sanitiser upon entering /departing the clinic kept at reception. FIDO HYDRO staff will handle our own harness, collar & lead equipment to eliminate any potential cross contamination. Please cancel appointments if you or anyone you are in contact with are unwell.
Costs can vary due to individual patient needs, please contact FIDO HYDRO 04487 44558,
Session times vary depending on each dog’s needs. Initial Consultations are approx. 45 mins and hydro sessions approx. 30 mins, depending on each individual. As the patient’s conditioning improves the duration of each session is likely to increase. Treatments lasting 10 to 15 minutes are quite common.
There are no hard and fast rules and much depends upon each dog’s breed, age, weight, capability, medical condition and medical history and the reason for treatment. Depending on the condition of your dog and the rehabilitation that is required will dictate how many hydro sessions will be required. For post-operative hydro treatments your dog may visit FIDO HYDRO twice weekly for a few weeks then come once a week when their fitness improves. Some dogs visit FIDO HYDRO once a week for mobility and or just for fun! Please contact one of our Canine Hydrotherapists to discuss your dog’s needs.
Many dogs that visit FIDO HYDRO are not ‘water dogs’. Some can take a few sessions before they find their confidence and start to enjoy their hydro treatments. Many of these ‘non water dogs’ soon turn into real water babies! Your dog will be gently guided into the water wearing a specialised harness and will be closely supported by our experienced certified Hydrotherapists. We take our time to gain your dog’s trust and confidence and make their hydrotherapy sessions a positive experience.
There are certain types of dog who enjoy water more than others therefore some dogs enjoy hydrotherapy more than others. FIDO HYDRO are equipped to assist dogs of all shapes and sizes, from the big to the very small. Particular care is afforded to certain breeds or patients with particular conditions, which require more physical assistance from our Hydrotherapist. More time is given to ensure your dog is feeling completely comfortable, to build a bond, to feel safe, secure and relax.
Yes, open wounds, bitches in season, infectious or contagious conditions such as gastric upsets, kennel cough, ear, eye or skin infections. If your dog has a heart condition, vestibular syndrome or moderate to severe epilepsy any form of exercise may cause a serious problem, so FIDO HYDRO must be informed so we can discuss the problem with your Vet.
We prefer that your dog has been vaccinated but this is not a requirement. If you and your vet have your dog on an alternative vaccination protocol, please discuss it with us. If your dog is not vaccinated, you will be asked to sign a disclaimer. However, in all circumstances if your dog shows any signs of illness please do not bring it for the session, but telephone to discuss or cancel.
Please toilet your dog, car journeys can be very exciting! Please pick up after your dog, bags & bin for waste available. On-leash policy- no dogs allowed off leash until directed by staff. Humffray St Nth is extremely busy, we have at times, other dogs & fast foot traffic to navigate, not all dogs are comfortable with other dogs. Giving your dog a good brush before is greatly appreciated. It is important your dog is NOT fed or given medications 2 hours prior and NOT exercised prior to treatment
Your dog on their collar/harness & lead. Your dog’s referral form (if not emailed directly prior). Please bring a favourite toy or treat (special treats due to diet requirements), or portion of their meal due that day (if trying to lose weight). We limit toys within the underwater treadmill due to safety reasons. We minimize the use of food as a motivator in case of choking or bloat. But toys and treats before and after treatments are great for encouragement.
We understand that sometimes appointments may need to be rescheduled. FIDO HYDRO appointment reminders are automated and will be sent to owners for confirmation, via email, 24 hours prior to any booking. We would appreciate at least 24 hours’ notice, as a late cancellation may leave a gap which could have been utilised by a dog needing treatment. Failure to arrive without cancelling may result in you having to pay for a hydro treatment that is not used. Please read our cancelation policy for more information.
Proprietor Andrea Calistro successfully completed her certificate of Canine Hydrotherapy, with Michelle Monk (Animal Physiotherapist) at Canine Health & Wellbeing Academy, Melbourne Australia. Andrea then began working as a Hydrotherapist at the well-respected clinic- Dogs in Motion. Andrea is a registered member of ACRA & OnLinePetHealth enables FIDO HYDRO to be supported by world Animal Rehabilitation industry leaders.
FIDO HYDRO clinic conducts computerized water testing system ensure our water quality and the safety of our patients. The water tests are conducted a minimum twice a day and in busy periods this is increased. FIDO HYDRO is required to keep detailed records of water quality tests and records are checked, water quality/bacterial tests are carried out by independent and qualified pool water engineers annually (as a minimum).
FIDO HYDRO equipment uses salt and UV sanitisation, used in most human swimming pools because it is the most effective method of ensuring the water is free from bacteria. FIDO HYDRO Hydrotherapist Andrea Calistro is fully trained in water management and the chemical levels are monitored throughout the day, every single day.
In short, no.
FIDO HYDRO provides a safe, controlled, clean, warm, environment. We ensure your dog is exercising safely, monitor their movements in order to correct any problems and not exacerbate any existing problems they may have. Our water is heated to an ideal temperature for rehabilitation & conditioning. Exercising in warm water allows the muscles to work more efficiently and without risk of sudden cramp. Cold water swimming constricts blood vessels close to the skin restricting blood flow to the muscles. It is very important that a dog suffering from arthritis or has any joint problems, swim in the correct temperature. Cold arthritic joints are painful and cold muscles are more likely to stiffen and cramp.